Wedding Day

Congratulations if you’re getting married in 2019 or have started to plan your future wedding! 

You may decide that you want to look your very best on your wedding day and the motivation and determination to lose weight will never been stronger. 

With the most exciting day of your life in the diary, you are probably feeling on top of the world, but do you feel disheartened when you look in the mirror and think that you will not fit into the wedding outfit of your dreams?

The good news is that SmallerKnickers can help you lose weight, and more importantly help you stay at your target weight for life. Yes, that’s right, you can wear smaller knickers for life with our help. How does it get better than that?

With our guidance you can still choose and eat the food you enjoy, providing you eat a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet will not only help you lose weight but your hair and skin will look amazing for your big day too.

Now you’re feeling super motivated to change your eating habits, introduce some exercise into your life. It can be any type just as long as you enjoy it. This will increase your serotonin levels and get you fit for your big day.

So the answer you are looking for is all about training your mind not just your body.

Using simple neuroscience techniques we will help you change the way you think about food, explain why you crave food at certain times of the day and what happens inside your body each time you eat certain food types.

Start your diet with us today and we will help you gain control of your eating habits so that you can look amazing on your dream wedding day!

Find out about our Workshops HERE