Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

Wouldn’t it be great to not have be constantly on a diet, or thinking about being on a diet?  To be naturally slim and have eating under control? No more binge eating and then feeling guilty, or having the feeling that the biscuit/chocolate/crisps etc are the ones in control?

How long have you been on a diet?  For some it feels like they’ve been on a diet all their life.  They’ve tried so many different diets over their lifetime! Can probably quote a number of fad diets that they’ve tried, with varying degrees of success.

And then there’s a feeling of failure that they can’t maintain their weight.  What’s wrong with me?  Why am I such a failure?  Why can I not control myself around food?  I can only lose weight with certain diets: as soon as I’m on my own again, it all goes wrong!

Any of this sound familiar?

The term yo-yo dieting refers to the cyclical loss and gain of weight.  The initial success in weight loss isn’t maintained in the long term and the weight goes back on.  Many reports highlight that the weight that goes back on is often more than the initial weight loss.  The dieter then seeks to lose this regained weight, and so the cycle begins again.

Unfortunately, what often happens is that once you come off a particular diet, you go back to your old habits of eating, and end up putting the weight back on again (and often a lot more).  

The different types of diets available usually take away the need to think: what to eat, when to eat, portion control etc.  However, they don’t help you understand what nutrients your body needs, and how to eat well for the long term. 

At SmallerKnickers, we also believe that most don’t help you understand how much your mind is a key to your success (or not).

To help you get to and maintain your ideal weight, we have a number of things to help you.

You can attend one of the SmallerKnickers Workshops, to obtain more details and support so that you can stop the yo-yo dieting and achieve long term success.