

Do you want to lose weight, get healthier and fall in love with your body?  You may have a specific reason, whether that’s for health, relationship or event and you’ve made the decision that you want those smallerknickers.  You want quick results, but also long term success.

Once you’ve achieved your target, wouldn’t it be great to maintain those smallerknickers for the long term (and no longer have to constantly be on a diet or worry about what diet you might have to try next)?

We can help you, if you’re determined to help yourself.

The SmallerKnickers workshops provide support, techniques, information and motivation to help you succeed.

There’s a lot of information on the website to help you.  But, as an attendee, you will get access to many more in-depth articles and information.  Additionally, you’ll be emailed the SmallerKnickers Programme Of Action, which has been developed over a number of years to provide you with the best step-by-step learning tool for a long term healthier lifestyle.

Contact us for more information

Group of friends or

part of a corporate well-being programme


Online Workshop

We are hoping to launch a 5 month programme in 2023, with monthly 1 hour workshops.  If you’re interested in finding out more, please do contact us.  For those seeking change and to kick start their healthy lifestyle, this would be providing a unique introduction to SmallerKnickers For Life, the book. It would not be about “dieting” and low-calorie recipes people don’t stick to, but to provide a simple ideas you can implement and use for a lifetime, getting your mind and body working for your success.

Tailored Workshops

SmallerKnickers workshops provide information, motivation and support.  They can be a 10-week programme (on Zoom or live), a 2-day programme (split over 2 months), or can be tailored for corporate needs and timings.  

  • The programme will provide a step-by-step approach to help you discover:
    • How to set and plan achievable healthy eating and weight loss goals/targets.
    • A greater awareness of how your mind is affecting your personal healthy eating, dieting and weight loss behaviour.
    • What may be negatively impacting your self-image and confidence, and how to think differently about your body.
    • How to work out your personal habits, beliefs and triggers currently affecting your choices and success to date.
    • In-depth techniques to change limiting beliefs and habits, which could give you immediate as well as sustainable health improvements.
    • How stress affects your body, especially around weight and fitness levels.
    • Why you have food cravings and how to reduce them.
    • Food diary and 4 Week Eating Plan
    • Factsheets showing the macronutrient content of a selection of our favourite meals

Please read our Terms and Conditions.

Factsheets – All our factsheets are designed to provide you with information about some of the most popular meals you may choose to eat at home or at a restaurant. Each one provides you with macronutrient information for each meal, but most importantly the sugar and fat content. It is always your choice on what and how much you eat but this information may encourage you to think differently.

Beliefs, habits and triggers – These are often what is behind why we continue to make the wrong food choices and lead us to struggle with weight loss. When you register with SmallerKnickers one of the first things we will do is ask you to complete our simple questionnaire. This information could help us you to understand what is stopping you from losing weight and/or maintaining your target weight.

Healthy recipe choices – SmallerKnickers does not provide a bespoke diet. Instead, we invite you to make healthy food choices. After all, there are a plethora of diets already in the marketplace with each one claiming a new approach to weight loss.  Did you know that most people who manage to reach their target weight by dieting, regain the weight within the first year!  By knowing the nutritional value of your meals you can make different choices, which also fit into your lifestyle.

Articles – SmallerKnickers provides various articles relating to food, fitness, the mind and body. Each article is designed to provide you with a variety of information about how they all inter-relate, to help you “get” what’s happened in the past and how to make changes for the future.

DISCLAIMER – At SmallerKnickers we are not qualified nutritionists and therefore we advise you to consult your doctor before starting a new diet and exercise plan.