Get Help To Achieve Your Goals

Fed up and frustrated with your dieting history so far? Want to lose weight and then be able to keep it off for the long term? Got an event or situation you would like to be slimmer for?

You may have discovered that once you come off a particular diet, you go back to your old habits of eating, and end up putting the weight back on again?

Now you’ve decided that you want a lasting solution to becoming healthier and maintaining your ideal weight.  But how do you get there?

SmallerKnickers isn’t another new diet.  SmallerKnickers is about understanding how your mind and body work together to achieve results – those you’ve had so far, and those you can change for future success.  

The mind is rarely talked about when discussing healthy eating.   And yet, we all know that the mind and body are intrinsically connected. 

The mind controls all the processes we do, both consciously and unconsciously.  So, we wanted to bring an awareness of the links, especially in relation to food choices, digestion and fitness.

When we start looking at all the choices we make without being aware of them (ie. unconsciously), we may be very surprised.  You’re probably aware of emotional eating (eg. When we’re bored, sad, lonely etc), but how about all the other beliefs, habits and triggers that make us think about and want to eat food?  

The mind and body are constantly sending signals to each other.  The body sends many signals to the brain, but we often don’t listen to them, and decide to override them.  For instance, when we’re full.

But when you listen to the mind and body together, and take care with the nutrients you fuel them with, results can be easier to achieve, and last long term. 

Let’s take the need to get results quickly.  If we don’t see the scales changing quickly, then we get disappointed and feel that it’s all too much hard work.  If we want to, we can lose 5lb quite quickly, but it probably won’t stay off. 

It is believed that we have a weight “set point”*: the level the body feels comfortable at.  If you try to lose weight quickly, this sends a panic alarm to the brain, so it will slow your metabolism and increase your cravings.  By slowly losing weight, your body can adjust without going into survival mode.

At SmallerKnickers we believe that being aware of your blindspots, habits and beliefs, together with an understanding of the food you eat and how it affects your body, can achieve much better results.  

There is no “one size fits all”.  At SmallerKnickers, we help you to work out your personal, individual needs.

How we can help you:

SmallerKnickers gives you a number of options, to help support you with your healthy eating targets.

1-2-1 Coaching: Please contact us for full information.

Workshops : The programme of 2 one-day workshops provides extended information on how your mind and body are connected, facts about nutrients and the effects on your body, and easy-to-implement techniques for making better choices in the short and long term. 

Why not work with us, to start your long term change?