SmallerKnickers for Life

To be able to help us move forward with our health plans, taking 100% responsibility is vital.  

So, first of all, it would be worth asking yourself who you’re doing this for?  

At SmallerKnickers we think it’s important that you do it for yourself, because you personally want to be healthier or get to the ideal weight for you. Not because you think you have to in order to be seen on the beach, or to find love, or because a magazine suggests that you need to be slimmer to be attractive.

We believe it’s completely OK to have a target or event to work towards, but it’s great if you can appreciate who you are now, and weight loss and improving your health are just work in progress.


Secondly, and just as importantly, are you merely interested in becoming healthier, or are you fully committed?

When you’re interested, you may well come up with excuses for not succeeding, why you haven’t or why you can’t.  You’re likely to form only general targets, with a few high level steps to get you there.

However, when you are committed to reaching your health target, then you will do everything in your power to get there and be able to stay there.  When you are in the “I will do anything to get there” mode, the power within you is formidable.  And this commitment sends a message to your mind to also act its part.

What is your reason for becoming healthier?  If you have a specific and meaningful reason for yourself, this will help you with your commitment.


Why not get a pen and paper now and write out exactly what your reasons are, and how committed you are to getting the results?  

Important: Include all the reasons this is really important to you and for you.

Reviewing these whenever you need to will help with motivation as well.

When you’re committed to your targets, you start to believe in them. 

If you believe you can do something you probably can.  Alternatively, if you believe you can’t do something, you probably won’t even give yourself the opportunity to find out.   As Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right”.

At SmallerKnickers, we want to help you understand how the mind and body connection is key to getting to and maintaining your target weight and health.  There are techniques which can give you really quick results, and there are techniques you can learn that you can implement throughout your life.

Why continue to be frustrated with losing weight only to put it back on again (and again, and again), when you can learn ways to maintain your target weight for the long term?  It may take a bit of effort up front, but is that not worth committing to?

As part of our Workshops attendees will receive a Guide on writing their targets and becoming aware of any worries these might cause.  To for more information on how to join click HERE.