Achieve Results

Have you ever felt that you just can’t do it?  You can’t lose weight, you can’t maintain a healthy weight, you can’t do certain exercises?   You’ve tried all the diets there are, but you’re doomed to being fat forever!

How about that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, confident enough to really achieve your targets?  You don’t have the skills to get to where you want to be? 

If you’re like us, the answer is yes to some or all of these!

The problem is that any of these fears can hold you back from taking action, and really going for it.  If you don’t believe you can lose weight, you’re not likely to succeed!  Or, if you do, you’re likely to put it back on again.  You may really want to lose weight (maybe even desperately), but your unconscious mind thinks differently!

Self belief and taking action, as part of Project Me, are what’s important to help you get the results.

It’s all based on what’s going on in our unconscious mind.  Rather than believe all these negatives, the idea is to believe that you are able to lose weight and maintain it.

What can you change about your fears and negative beliefs, especially about your self-image?

When you have a positive self belief, having a bad day or week won’t make you quit.  You’ll restart your healthy eating plan the very next day, and just get on with the process of moving forward to your desired goal.

At SmallerKnickers, we help you to identify the beliefs, habits and triggers which might be sabotaging your success right now.  Once these are out in the open (to you), you can then re-evaluate them or learn to change them into positive actions.

Losing weight does not have to be so difficult, or need superhuman willpower.  Have faith in your ability, take control of your results, and join us to get some practical tips for achieving your results.

As a Workshop Attendee, you can find out how to train your brain away from fears, and add positive fuel to your action plan.

So – can you do it?  It’s time to think that you can!