10 Reasons Why We Don’t Lose Weight

10 Reasons Why We Don’t Lose Weight

Have you been on a diet or dieting for most of your life? Have you struggled to understand why you don’t lose weight?  Or at least, why you can’t keep any weight loss off for very long (also known as yo-yo dieting)? Many of us will resort to strange dieting fads, or seek help from different companies, assuming we can’t do it without them. But our book, SmallerKnickers For Life, aims to change your thinking…

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Want To Change Your Eating Habits?

Want To Change Your Eating Habits?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic not to have to be on a diet? Or constantly thinking about being on a diet? To be naturally slim and have eating under control? No more binge eating and then feeling guilty, or having the feeling that your food is the one in control? How long have you been on a diet? For some it feels like they’ve been on a diet all their lives. They can probably quote a…

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SmallerKnickers For Life, the Book

SmallerKnickers For Life, the Book

Smaller Knickers For Life is now available as a book or ebook on Amazon. As 48% of UK adults have put on weight during lockdown, now might be the time to return to a healthier lifestyle. And if you feel you’ve always been on a diet and keep failing, you’re not alone. To achieve a healthy weight, it’s important to identify how and why you’ve been sabotaging your own success. This book guides you to…

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SmallerKnickers for Life, the Book

SmallerKnickers for Life, the Book

SmallerKnickers for Life is now available as a book and can be purchased via Amazon or the Author Webpage. This is a unique book that helps you identify the cause of your dieting failures, and how the environment and your own mind and body have been conspiring against you over the years.  It helps you to understand not how to “diet”, but why everyone is different, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. It guides you…

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Tool Kit For Keeping Spirits Up

Tool Kit For Keeping Spirits Up

Are you looking for ways to keep your spirits up today? As humans, uncertainty is something we don’t really like. And we’re current all experiencing the biggest period of uncertainty in our history. Uncertainty is contagious, fuelling anxiety in many of us. We try to pay attention to every opinion or scenario, ending up feeling overwhelmed. And that’s because uncertainty triggers the fear part of our brains. You may have noticed an increase in arguments,…

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8 Tips For Keeping Motivated

8 Tips For Keeping Motivated

Keeping motivated along your health journey is vital.      You may set your health and weight loss targets, you get excited to get going, you feel motivated and in control.  After a few days, a few weeks, your motivation starts to wane.  Little things happen and you feel that you’ve lost all control, you’re never going to achieve your goals, so what’s the point! Any of this sound familiar?  It can be part of…

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Can Fizzy Drinks Make You Eat More?

Can Fizzy Drinks Make You Eat More?

The following is directly from the research conducted from the BBC’s Trust Me I’m a Doctor, but we thought it was powerful and worth knowing.  When you’re on a health plan and looking at weightloss, knowing how certain drinks can affect your body helps when making better choices for yourself.   Sugary fizzy drinks are notoriously unhealthy, as these commonly contain about eight teaspoons of sugar per can. But how much healthier are sugar-free alternatives,…

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SMALLERKNICKERS WORKSHOPS Do you want to lose weight, get healthier and fall in love with your body?  You may have a specific reason, whether that’s for health, relationship or event and you’ve made the decision that you want those smallerknickers.  You want quick results, but also long term success. Once you’ve achieved your target, wouldn’t it be great to maintain those smallerknickers for the long term (and no longer have to constantly be on a…

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Sugar and Health

Sugar and Health

The following article is from Action on Sugar (Nov 17), and we thought it would be useful for our members. As a society, we consume far too many sugars. Sugars are divided into two types: naturally occurring sugars, and free sugars. Naturally occurring sugars are found in whole fruit, vegetables and milk-based products and these are not considered harmful for health, although they still contain calories. Free sugars includes monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods…

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