Walk for Life

A great way to start your health kick is to go walking.       .

If you are thinking of getting active, healthy and want to lose some weight then walking is the simplest form of exercise you can choose. The great thing about walking is that you can fit it around your lifestyle whether you work full-time, part-time or are at home every day.

As with any form of exercise, before you start it is always advisable to seek medical advice particularly if you suffer from any injuries or illnesses, which may be aggravated by starting a new walking program. That said walking is the safest form of exercise you can choose.

Regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma and strokes.

Embarking upon a walking program is relatively cheap, although it is advisable to invest in a good pair of walking shoes or trainers to support your feet and ultimately your body and reduce the risk of injury. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Thin layers are a good idea so that you can add or remove layers depending on weather conditions. Obviously, waterproofs are an essential item too.

So now you’ve organised your footwear and clothing you need to start planning your route. It’s always a good idea to plan your route in advance so that you can allocate the correct amount of time. Most of us walk about 4,000 steps per day so gradually building up and aiming for 10,000 steps is a good benchmark. Pedometers are a fun way to keep track of your walking and listening to your favourite music along the way is motivating and passes the time.

What do you need to pack each time you go walking?

Make sure you pack your mobile phone especially if you are planning to walk in rural areas and more importantly tell someone where you are going.

For long walks, you may want to put some water, healthy snacks, sunscreen, blister plasters and a hat in a small backpack. Avoid overloading your backpack as it may compromise your posture and cause discomfort around your neck, shoulders and back.

Learning to walk properly is key to achieving your targets without injury. Many of us believe that we know how to walk properly – after all we’ve been doing it since a very early age – but the chances are you are not.

If your intention is to start a serious walking program three to five times per week then walking incorrectly may cause discomfort or even pain further up your body – in your knees, pelvis, spine possible even your shoulders!

Full Article available to Workshop Attendees