Can You Do It?

Have you ever felt that you just can’t do it?     .

You can’t lose weight, you can’t maintain a healthy weight, you can’t do certain exercises?  How about that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, confident enough to really achieve your targets?  You don’t have the skills to get to where you want to be? 

What about fearing that once you start delving into why you eat for emotional comfort, that it might bring up emotions you might not want to look at?

If you’re like us, the answer is yes to some or all of these!

The problem is that any of these fears can hold you back from taking action, really going for it.  And it’s the taking action, as part of Project Me, that will get you the results.

We look at others and think that we need to be like them, do the things that they do, look a certain way.   How many times have we looked at a magazine article and seen someone with the figure we would love to have?  How many times have you watched a friend eat healthy and berated yourself for not having the same self-control?

Comparing yourself to others who have succeeded can often cause you to feel you’re not good enough and can never get to the same level of successful yourself.

Everyone has fears, and they can cost us years of trying and a lot of energy to fight against them.

It’s all based on a trick of our mind, when we believe we don’t have the skills or ability to succeed.  These thoughts of not being good enough or able to succeed, are coming from a part of our brain called the Amgydala, which looks for threats against us. 

Once triggered, it starts recalling negative memories and experiences.  To “keep us safe” it then projects these negative thoughts into the future, and makes us think of all the things that could go wrong.  And then this causes people to freeze, to run away or fight against it.

What can you change about your fears, especially about your self-image?

Because getting to the right weight is not a race, you don’t have to fear having difficulties following your health and fitness plans.  No one is perfect, and a bad day or week may slow down your weight loss, but it doesn’t mean you should quit.  Keep positive and re-start your healthy eating plan the very next day, and enjoy the process of moving forward.

Rather than let fears continue and paralyse you into non-action, there are also techniques to recognise the fears and re-frame them into positive actions.  You can start the process to bridge the gap from where you are now and where you want to be.

We provide a little more information in the article Emotional Responses.  As a Workshop Attendee, you can find out how to train your brain away from these types of fears, and add positive fuel to your action plan.

So – can you do it?  It’s time to think that you can!